Bernd von den Brincken is no stranger to the Chaos Congress. It was five ago that he demonstrated here, using a simple EEG, how a computer can be controlled through brain waves. This opened the way for all manner of speculation. Fantastic scenarios were evoked, suggesting possibilities for direct brain-to-brain communication via data networks. All attempts to date have failed, however, due to a lack of funds for capable programmers. After years of mental acrobatics with "cyber-stuff", von den Brincken, of the Institut fuer Kommunikation in Cologne, has found a someone who not only shares his fascination with realtime-3D-networking, but can program, too. The first product of their work together, a computer program (written in C and in Assembler) that makes it possible move in real time through animated 3D space using 486 personal computer, will be presented as part of the workshop on December 28 at 17:00. The second stage, communication, is yet to come. Von den Brincken is looking for competent programmers interested in this project; he may even find someone here at the Chaos Congress. (ppc) Press Room